Finom Brand Lavosh an Ideal Party Food

Finom Flatbread Lavosh

Lavosh flatbread crackers are a perfect party food for your cheese platters and great for dips. Finom brand crackers have a slender elegant profile and  are subtle in flavour.

Finom brand Lavosh Flatbread Crackers should be served with any style of gourmet cheese platters, weather fruity or high in cheese variety. Lavosh are a dainty dry crispy cracker bread with a simple flavour to compliment any cheeses.

Lavosh can be served with  soft or hard cheeses and can also be fine with a blue vein.

Slender Finom Lavosh Crackers are great to  for dabbling in your dips where to don’t want a  spicy taste in your cracker or one that’s too salty additionally their long slim shape is nice for dips and keeping fingers out of the food.

Buy Finom Lavosh Flatbread Crackers from discerning gourmet grocers or order online direct from the manufacturer And wholesalers Opera Foods.

Finom is a wholly owned subsidiary of Opera Foods

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