Sugar-Free and Healthy Lavosh Crackers.

A common question which arises in your mind when you think about Lavosh Cracker is “Are they Sugar Free”? Many recipes of unleavened flatbread lavosh crackers have been discovered by people all over the world. Finom a brand of Lavosh Crackers has come up with a unique recipe which stands out from the rest.
Our Crackers have no added sugar but have a delicious taste with will make you crave for it with some dips or cheese. We offer gourmet lavosh crackers which are long and slim; our slender profile makes us unique and different from the rest. They are packed in clear see-through packs for you to see and believe about our quality and quantity.
Finoms Lavosh crackers are distributed by Opera Foods a Sydney wholesale supplier. You can order small consumer-sized orders with direct delivery at your door step. Retailers can order in bulk to avail great discounts and offers.
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