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Gourmet Lavosh Crackers Ritchies IGA Liquor Store

Lavosh Crackers by Finom now available at Ritchies IGA New Lambton
Ritchies IGA have re-opened their New Lambton NSW store last month after a long closure for renovations. This location historically was a a site for the old Newcastle Co-Op called “The Store” . It has been a Ritchies IGA supermarket for some years now. The refurbished store is nicely decorated with old historic Newcastle food business images that make it a pleasant destination. The enlarged Supermarket is much larger and has a huge variety of food and grocery lines compared to most IGA stores. There is also a great fine wine and liquor store downstairs at the car park entrance. Next to the lift.
So if your picking up some wine , beer or spirits for a social event, you might want to duck in to their supermarket. Grab some Finom Lavosh Crackers and cheeses from the deli and cheese shop section. Finom Lavosh is perfect with a cheese platter and makes a posh presentation for your guests. Don’t forget some organic flavored Kombucha for fruity or alcoholic cocktails. Pep Tea’s Kombucha is sugar free and healthy. More importantly Pep Tea is another local brand from the Hunter, like Finom, that Ritchies like to support wherever they go.
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Posh Lavosh Crackers at Ritchies IGA
Now you can buy Finom brand Lavosh crackers at Ritchies IGA New Lambton.
Ritchies IGA re-opened their New Lambton NSW store this week after a long closure for renovations. The refurbished store is much larger and has a huge variety of food and grocery lines compared to most IGA stores.
Its really nice to see Ritchies IGA show a great deli counter and cheese shop. Finom Lavosh is perfect with a cheese platter and makes a posh presentation for your guests.
Shoppers will love their historic Newcastle foodie images that enhance the decor.
#ritchiesiga #ritchiesiganewlambton ritchiesstores #iganewlambton #lavoshcrackers #lavosh cheeseplatter